from Bernhard Lang’s Baltic Sea Ice project - via Kottke

Quite a show after the Colorado Rapids game tonight. Pretty good game, too.

Low expectations, but I loved this movie. The scary bits were scary enough, but it was the relationship and the performances that made the last act … beautiful?

from @marc_koegel on IG

Coco’s favorite walk spot - waiting for the groundhogs to pop up.

Heavy frosting day. Won’t last long. The sun has already started licking it all off.

Outrage-baiting clickbait. The Atlantic should be ashamed of itself. As if this country isn’t divided enough.

The More Active Your Brain, the Shorter Your Lifespan May Be, a New Study Says

This is either awesome or terrible news for me. I’m trying not to think about it.

Photo by Chris Gug in the The Top 100 winners gallery of Close-up Photographer of the Year 5(2023)

Goose Tracks. The off-brand ice cream for moms who refused to overpay for stuff you shouldn’t be eating anyway.